"Losing Less = Earning More"

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Get the Elite Forex University

4 Complete Forex Trainings Bundle.

No Gimmicks - "No Bait & Switch" or anything like that...

Just a solid offer for my Forex family.

No Gimmicks - "No Bait & Switch" or anything like that...

Dear Friend,

Yes, you are absolutely correct. The FOUR complete Forex Trainings that you’re getting right now, really ARE just four dollars.


Once you make your purchase, you can sign right in to Elite Forex University and dig into the training.

You don’t have to wait, even a little bit.

You get instant access to everything that I talk about on this page.

And by the way, there’s no “trial period” or any of the other “bait and switch” tactics that sleazy marketers try to rob with you.

The only “catch” is that this offer actually will expire when the timer hits zero.

And yes, these are full blown, in depth trainings that have already sold for $297, $497 and $997, respectively.

Each one comes with videos and easy to follow instructions, so you'll be able to backtest it and use it for yourself fast.

Training #1

Directional Bias for Dummies

"Just learning to trade in the right direction alone increased my win rate by 80%."

In this training I will take you step by step through how to understand where the market is likely to go next.

This training is straight to the point and easy to follow.

It's going to give you multiple, rock solid approaches to understanding the direction of the market.

Each approach teaches a step by step process you can follow to understand the likelihood of the market’s next move for any currency pair, index or precious metal.

This is the first video training directly from me personally, where I take you by the hand and guide you through exactly what I do each day, week and month so that you can copy it.

Here's just a taste of some of the things you'll learn:

  • How to use the institutional Fibonacci to recognize areas of historical price sensitivity for any pair

  • The Easy Sleazy way to use one to two simple indicators to tell where the momentum is in the market and which direction it's going in.

  • ​The top down approach for identifying areas of Extreme Supply and Extreme Demand.

  • Candlestick patterns that let you know the market is ready to make its next move and way way more you can use it on major currency pairs like EUR/USD and GBP/USD.

  • You can use it on cryptos like Bitcoin and Ethereum

  • And you can use it on indices like SPX500 and NAS100

Here's the bottom line.

Go through this training and you'll have a 10x understanding of how to determine directional bias on any chart.

You will never again be stuck staring at your TradingView, MetaTrader 4 or Trade Locker screen; wondering whether you should be looking for buys or sells…

Because I'm giving you my tried and true, heavily back tested framework that just flat out works.

And if you think about it…

In almost every way, our profits as traders are in direct proportion to our ability to read directional bias.

Simply put, the more we understand the overall direction of the market, the more pips we catch and bigger profits secured.

And this training will give you my proven system for properly detecting directional bias quickly.

But this is just a small spoonful have some major sauce because you're also getting…

Training #2

Currency Correlation Mastery

"It's like I'm getting multiple trades for the price of one analysis. Not only that; learning Currency Correlation has kept me OUT of some bad trades. I LOVE using this in my trading."

This training is probably my favorite and really is my secret weapon when it comes to catching multiple trades at the same time across multiple pairs.

It's been specifically designed to work hand in hand with what you learn in Directional Bias for Dummies…

And its major focus is to help you do one thing and one thing only: Confirm one trade by understanding how other pairs that are closely related to it are moving.

And that's exactly why I created the Currency Correlation Masterclass.

It's a combination of a few simple steps you can use to evaluate the direction of the currency pair you're looking to trade by looking at how other pairs that are closely related to it are moving, at that moment.

Here are just a few secrets that will get unlocked in the training.

  • The Secret Spiller Method for understanding when momentum is about to enter or leave the trade you're considering taking.

  • The "If This - Then That" approach for understanding if one pair is going one way, then another pair must be going another way… And if it's not, then a trap is being set.

  • ​​The "4 for 1 Home Run" where you'll be able to get profitable trades on 2 Major Pairs and 2 Minor Pairs at the same time, all because of one good analysis.

  • How to Set hardcore conditions and parameters that must be met before you execute a single trade

...and a lot more.

Including demonstrations, resources to save and multiple examples to prove that this really works.

No Lie! I'm giving you the identical systematic approach for understanding currency correlation that I use to win more trades and secure more profits…

Even telling you exactly what correlations are strongest, so that you don't waste your time on pairs that won't give you a low risk and high reward setup.

Here's the thing.

Every currency pair, during the day is either going up or down. Right? (That's the part where you buy or sell in your trade.)

Well, highly effective and consistently profitable forex traders know that considering a trade idea on one pair is only the beginning of the confluence stacking process.

You'll learn to think of other currency pairs as leading indicators: a way to confirm what your trade is about to do because of what another currency pair is already doing or has already done.

This is something that I've only ever taught in great detail in my extremely expensive 6 Month Mentorship and Group Coaching program.

Yet it's been one of my secret weapons for close to two years now.

Again, this training is me personally walking you through all that I know about this subject and how it's helped me and every trader that I've worked with achieve consistent profitability.

This is, hands down, like having me sit with you one on one at your trading station: while I guide you through the approach, the thinking and ultimately, the execution you need to get this right the first time.

But of course, that's not where the fun ends.

Because you're also getting…

Training #3

The 50/50 Bounce Strategy

"I remember when I used to think catching 50 Pips in one trade was impossible. Now, 50 Pips is Child's Play."

You're getting this in depth training because the devil truly is in the details.

Have you ever been curious as to why some forex traders seem to enter a trade, set their stop loss and calmly walk away from the charts; almost as if they know exactly what’s going to happen before it happens?

Have you ever wondered why some traders are able to pull profits from the market and never seem to be concerned with whether or not they'll get paid?

Ever wondered why some traders are able to make a full time income off of just one to two trades per week?

The answer is in The Strategy.

In this training, you'll discover:

  • The Magic of Less is More and how taking fewer trades generates more revenue while also giving you greater peace.

  • How to use a few simple indicators and easy to spot patterns to makes catching 50 Pip, 100 Pip and 500 Pip moves a piece of cake.

  • The exact Entry Triggers we use to confirm the next major move

  • When it makes the most sense to protect your trade and profits... so that blue trades don't turn red. (Hint: You should ALWAYS Do this)

... And a ton more. If you want your trades to move with speed and momentum, instead of being caught in choppy price action, hoping to just secure 5 to 10 measly pips, then this is for you.

And if you want to take your next funding challenge with the confidence that you can hit your goal of achieving 8% to 10% profit in 30 days or less, then this is definitely for you.

The 50/50 Bounce Strategy will help you identify exactly what to look for.

And, more specifically, exactly what to do when certain opportunities present themselves at certain times.

Consider this for a sec.

The 50/50 Bounce Strategy teaches you how to catch more pips in a week than most traders do in a month.

And The 50/50 Bounce Entry Formula, shows you how to execute a trade with confidence and even put your stop loss in a place where the institutions that move the market dare not go back to once they've confirmed that they're about to make a move.

I teach this strategy in granular detail because I want you to have multiple confluences to guide you in executing high probability and high quality trades that grow your trading account...

And bring you closer to the freedom you were promised when you first began learning to trade.

Once you have locked in on…

01.) How to read the direction of the market for one currency pair…

02.) How to look at other currency pairs to confirm the direction of the market that you're looking to trade…

03.) And then how to execute trades with a strategy that consistently offers Sniper Entries…

You'll now be ready for the fourth training called…

Training #4

Risk Management Mastery

"Hands down, understanding this helped me get funded a 6 Figure Account on my very first try. There's no better training out there."

Tell me if you've ever seen this happen.

Someone begins to figure out how to become profitable in the market and makes their first withdrawal…

And then, next thing you know, they're pulling bigger and bigger profits from the markets all the time!

You think, maybe it's because they signed up for a really good signal service.

You think maybe they have a professional trading their account for them.

But regardless of what you think, one thing is absolutely certain: they are not getting lucky.

Here's what you'll learn inside:

  • How to be WRONG 7 times out of 10 and STILL make big bank.

  • The only four ways a trade ends and how just avoiding one is all you need to be super successful.

  • One paradigm shift that will instantly make you better than 99% of your trading buddies. (Even if they started learning how to trade before you did.)

  • The Law of Probability that added another $50,000 of equity to my trading portfolio, all while I was being a full time, stay at home daddy to a two year old and an eight month old.

Here, you'll learn that going from small accounts to large accounts and small withdrawals to large withdrawals is a matter of four things.

01.) The Law of Averages

02.) Consistent Risk Amounts

03.) Lopsided Reward (in your favor, of course)

04.) Ruthless, Condition Based Trade Management.

And this training takes all four and stacks them up perfectly and teaches you to stack them up perfectly.

And way, way more.

And here's another thing that will tickle you pink.

This training IS NOT about teaching you to have an 80% to 90% win rate, throwing huge risks on wishy-washy positions and thinking you'll be buying a Lambo next week.

(And I also seriously hope that you didn't get into trading because someone promised you those kinds of fake results.)

Instead, this is about beating the statistic that most traders never make any money, withstanding the test of time and consistently withdrawing profits from the markets; even when you're wrong on a few trades.

Here's an example.

I started trading two years ago when a friend asked me to join his MLM.

I didn't know anything about trading and on top of that, I doubted that he would even be a part of that company for very long because he had a habit of jumping from one “opportunity” to the next.

But in spite of that, I started learning the skill of trading and in less than a year, I went from not even knowing what a pip was to becoming a six figure funded trader.

I replaced and then doubled my full time job income as a Full Time, Lead Bartender at a Seafood Restaurant...

And my need to talk to people all day, every day and push Crab Legs and Long Island Iced Teas completely disappeared.

And I only won trades 45% of the time.

For you, this means more revenue, more time to yourself and your family and less headaches because you don't "have to" deal with people in order to pay your bills...

WITHOUT being a Market Wizard that can predict the future every single time.

If that's what you would like to accomplish, then these trainings are for you.

Because inside, I'm literally walking you through the exact mindset and strategies that consistently profitable forex traders use to pull profits from the market almost at will; in spite of still having losing trades.

On top of all of that, you're also getting….

An Additional Training Valued at $297 that's Helped me Earn THOUSANDS as a Funded Trader...


Bonus Training:

The 8 Biggest Mistakes

Forex Traders Make...

"I wish I had gone through this training before I failed my 100k Funding Challenge for the 3rd time. I could've saved so much money."

Because let's face it.

The first time I took a funding challenge, I failed.

I took it a second time and failed again.

I took it a third time and failed yet again.

It wasn't until I evaluated why I kept failing and discovered there were 8 Mistakes that I made that caused me to fall on my face.

On my 4th challenge, I just focused on doing the exact opposite of them and I passed in less than 2 weeks.

I’ve since passed every funding challenge after, for amounts such as 25k, 50k and even 100k.

So, this bonus training alone will more than return your investment.

But just to make this deal sweet enough to give you a mouth full of cavities…

I'm also throwing in…

A Mystery Bonus

Worth $2,400!

I won't tell you what the mystery bonus is, but I'll give you a clue as to why you'll want it.

Whenever I sell it for full price, the person that buys it usually gets a three to five times ROI within one to two weeks.

But they've also got the knowledge, information and wisdom to do it again and again...

Without needing me anymore.

This mystery bonus is legitimately worth over $2,400 and you simply can't get it anywhere else

But You Get EVERYTHING Today For Just $4

Like I said... there's no catch.

As soon as you order, you get instant access to everything.

HOWEVER ...this offer is super-limited.

So when the timer on the page hits "zero", the page will expire. So act on this now before it goes away!

Listen - you really ARE getting all of this for just FOUR DOLLARS.

HOWEVER... this will EXPIRE when the timer on the page hits ZERO.


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Here's a Serious Question, for Serious Traders That Want to Make Serious Money, Sooner Rather than Later: What if you could learn directly from a Master Trader EXACTLY how to become a multiple 6-Figure Trader and begin earning a Neurosurgeon's salary within just a few short months? Join Coach MJ as he breaks down exactly what to do and how you can far exceed your financial goals as a professional forex trader. This is a special one-time offer only on this page and never to be seen again. So grab the 6-Figure Funded Trader Blueprint for just $27! (Normal Retail Price - $2500) If you don't want to learn EXACTLY how to get funded Multiple 6-Figures and earn at least $10,000 per month as a Forex Trader, simply: 1.) Make sure that the button above in NOT CHECKED (so that you're not charged $27) 2.) Click the Continue button to process your $4 payment for the 4 Complete Forex Trainings.

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