"Want to Finally Discover What's Keeping You from Being a Profitable Forex Trader?"

Brand New Book From MJ Worthmore

Brand New Book From MJ Worthmore

"New Book Reveals How To Stop Blowing Accounts AND Become A Consistently Profitable Forex Trader."

From The Desk Of Coach MJ Worthmore

Atlanta, GA.

Dear Future (Heavily) Funded and Consistently Profitable Forex Trader,

If you'd like to create a trading income that makes you completely job optional…

Regardless of your experience; this is the most important letter you'll read today.

I'll show you why in a minute.

But First... A Disclaimer:

Please understand the results I'm sharing with you are not typical. In no way, shape or form am I implying you’ll duplicate them (or even do anything for that matter).

I, personally, have the benefit of practicing Day Trading and Swing Trading for almost 4 years and have an established strategy and trading plan as a result.

The Data shows the average person who buys any “how-to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors… including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All trading and investing entail risk as well as massive action, insane amounts of study and consistent effort. If you're not willing to accept that, please (for the Love of God) DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

Exactly What You're Getting

Exactly What

You're Getting

This is dramatically different from anything you've ever read because instead of this being a "traditional book"...

It's more of a "Do Not Do List" to Forex Trading to make massive success inevitable.

The reason why is because there's no fluff or filler.

It immediately gets down to brass tacks, transparently exposing what to never do, and why you shouldn't.

Because by knowing how to "Not Fail," you can't help but win.

Plus, it's easy to read.

At just 77 pages, you can read it in a single sitting.

And you'll immediately "get" the entire methodology I've personally used to help struggling forex traders achieve some of the biggest wins and profit withdrawals they've ever seen in their lives.

But here's just a fraction of what's inside and what it might mean for your trading:

* BEST NEWS EVER: Forex Traders without this information are practically throwing their money at you as you read this.


They're making 8 deadly mistakes that can send boatloads of pips to you in DROVES.

All you have to do is basically "wait and do the opposite of the obvious" and you might dominate every telegram and discord group you're a part of in a matter of days using this one simple method. (See page 25.)

* Breakthrough tactic for trading HIGH IMPACT NEWS with the Market Makers.

Very few traders do this, and I think it's around 400 times easier than the "normal" things everyone else does.

You'll get a crystal clear understanding of this on page 20.

The success secret of the world's highest paid neurosurgeon - and how you can reverse engineer it for your own personal gain in trading forex. (See page 70.)

* COVER YOUR EYES! You're being fed terrible mis-information by these "johnny come lately" trading guru's and their "courses"

(They're nothing more than glorified shiny objects.)

There are only 4 proven steps to sustainable profits, and they work together in perfect harmony when applied in the right order, no matter who the trader is.

On page 22, you'll get the exact 4-part equation for profits that drives our entire system. You'll "get it" instantly and be able to begin applying it to your trading immediately.

Implement this and you might become the Go-To Trader in your community…

...catapulting yourself, your results, or your income to celebrity status and out-trading your peers while they're left scratching their heads in wonder.

The one thing you can do IMMEDIATELY to increase your profitability without spending more time on the charts and without taking more trades everyday.

This "same-day" approach works like crazy and has NOTHING to do with taking larger positions, taking lots of signals, or any of the usual "Trading Strategies" and "Tricks" you've heard over and over again. (See page 47)

Oh and by the way, Beginning on page 30, I will walk you through a present-day case study and reveal exactly how this is being done by normal people, why it works so well, and the exact steps you can take to have the same Windfall of “Pip-age and Profits" in your own trading.

Over the last 2.5 years, I've taught this strategy to close to 2 dozen people and personally deployed it on two of my own trading accounts…

Successfully earning as much as 500% more than my trading buddies...

...during one of the worst economic slowdowns in history.

End result? I got funded over $350,000

This one tip alone can literally alter the course of your personal trading forever...

Turning you into a Super Sought After educator that people clamor to trade shoulder to shoulder with.

Think that "winning more trades" is the first step to more profits?

Think again!

Discover the single biggest factor in increasing the money in your pocket as a trader.

Even if your win rate stays the same. (Page 52.)

Everybody Knows...

You're not supposed to trade Red Folder News or NFP, right?


I have traded every major news release and NFP release over the last 2 years... and recently I've been securing more pips than ever.

See what I'm doing differently that no one talks about - and how you can copy the same method - on page 10

Plus you'll also discover…

* How to win MORE OFTEN than your competitors… The secret is this 3-Step Formula that's built to work even if you've never made a profit withdrawal before. (Page 27).

* The easiest way to gain major confidence in your trade idea before you execute. Forget signals, bots and the typical forex "stuff" you're used to (and sick of). This simple approach works like crazy - and you get access to the cheat code we use is FREE. (See bonus number 2)

* How to become a Champion Level Forex Trader with your prop firm and get so good that they'll begin to worry if they can afford to pay you out, every two weeks. (Starting on page 71)

But that's not all...

You'll also uncover Tycoon Level success secrets like...

How To Make Double the Money from Your Losing Trades

You'll discover an unusual technique that can turn your losing trades into a wonderful source of major income potential. (See the bottom of page 63.)

Plus, I reveal...

* The WORST time to try to place a trade. (Thank God, your competition is almost always going to make this mistake.)

* When you should never take a signal from another trader - even if you know them personally. Now there's a new way to determine whether or not their trade is even worth entering.

* How multimillion-dollar CEOs, politicians, and even athletes get a competitive edge over everyone around them in their field.

You’ll also uncover The REAL way to pass Funded Challenges.

Forget what the "experts" say...

I personally have passed 4 back to back funded challenges while being a full-time, stay-at-home daddy to my insanely energetic 2-year-old son and newborn daughter...

Because I had no choice since my wife decided she wasn't ready for me to retire her yet. In short, I cracked the code.

You're right...

That's a ton of proven, real-life strategies and techniques that are working right now.

But it's just the tip of the iceberg because you're also getting…

An Advanced System For Turning Losing Traders Into Bank Robbing Pip Catchers Who Pull Profits From the Market Over And Over Again

An Advanced System For Turning Losing Traders Into Bank Robbing Pip Catchers

Who Pull Profits From the Market Over And Over Again


As much as people like to complicate the process of making money as a trader, it's actually pretty simple.

Here it is:

Step 1: Get direction from the fundamental drivers.

Step 2: Trade in the direction of the True Price Movement.

Step 3: Keep Risk Low and Reward Potential High.

Everyone knows the first step is easy.

You get your directional bias by understanding the news releases that come out every week on the economic calendar.

You can do that with your hands tied behind your back.

But how do you know when to place a trade in the true direction of the move when price is finally ready to explode in your favor…

Over and over again?

There's A System For It

And in addition to this book, you're also getting a complete 60-minute walkthrough of exactly how that system works...

And how you can start implementing it immediately.

No, it's not a brand new indicator.

And no, it's not a trading bot.

Here's What To Do Next

Here's What To

Do Next

The "cost" of this book is $4.95, and we give you immediate access to it in the Elite Forex University Student Dashboard.

You can read it on your phone, tablet or PC within seconds of purchasing it.

Why $4.95?

Well, because that's the average cost to cover the postage and shipping for the weather-resistant padded envelope that we used to send physical copies of the book in.

Oh, and in case you're wondering...


I've heard that there are sites and funnels out there that offer you a great deal on something...

But then force you into some "continuity program" and charge your card every month.

Rest assured…

This ain't one of em.

There's NO hidden "monthly membership" you have to try…

...or anything even close to that.

I'm giving you this entire book at a loss, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and giving you real value.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good coaching relationship for years to come.

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

Time Is Of The Essence

Here's why.

I take a loss by selling you this book at this price.

The reason why is because it costs me $21.08 in advertising costs to sell one book.

And then an additional $9.96 per day to have it hosted in the Elite Forex University Student Dashboard.

So why would I do that?


I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might come and trade with me.

Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.

I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll eventually ask to try other some of my other trainings and services I offer.

Pretty straight forward really.

Oh - one more thing.

You're also getting a brand new video training on...

How To Look At Any Chart and Determine Which Direction Your Pair Will Move in.

How To Look at Any Chart and Determine Which Direction Your Pair Will Move in.

Let’s be honest… determining Directional Bias is probably one of the most scary topics for Forex Traders. We’ve all heard the horror stories of traders losing their entire accounts because they were "upside down" on their analysis.

I can relate. It happened to me. Over and Over again.

But I stuck with it and fast forward to today… my traders and I catch an average of just more than 2,000 (and counting) pips EVERY MONTH...

Just from understanding How to Get a Strong Directional Bias.


Well, there are three steps we use… and I’m convinced that if you follow these three steps, you can crack the “Direction of the Market Mystery” yourself.

Just a few of the things you'll find in this special bonus include:

* How to use Fibonacci to know when the market is likely overbought or oversold… Even if you're looking at a pair you've never traded before.

* How to position your trade for the greatest chance of moving explosively in the right direction right out of the gate. (This is the secret to getting the most pay for your patience)

* The secret website that every successful trader uses to confirm or deny the direction of the market. (And how you can use them to save yourself time, money and effort)

* The accidental discovery that showed me where Institutional Support and Resistance was, regardless of the Zones everyone else put on their charts. And how you can ethically steal this hack for your own trading.

* Forget needing expensive bots and EA's. All you need is the Magnet Tool on your TradingView account and about 15 spare minutes.

* And a whole lot more!


The book is great and you'll get everything you need from it.

But I'm the kind of person that likes to go big or go home and I'm willing to bet that you are too.

That's why I’m giving you these bonus videos today. It's my little way of ensuring that you can start implementing everything you will learn in 8 Reasons... right away.

So yes...

You Really Are Getting This Book And The Bonus Trainings For Just $4.95...

However, if I can't make the numbers work for this test, I might not have a choice but pull the book down and raise the price… so you need to claim your copy now.

If I pull the offer down, then it's officially a wrap.

And by the way, even though you're paying a ridiculously low price - you're still protected by…

The Most Audacious Guarantee In The World...

I, Marques-Jeremiah Bashir Worthmore Senior, 100% Guarantee you'll love this book and the new video training or I'll return your $4.95 let you keep the book and the video training anyway.

Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your $4.95 with no questions asked.

How's that for fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone

This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy Now Before They're All Gone

Let’s be honest… determining Directional Bias is probably one of the most scary topics for Forex Traders. We’ve all heard the horror stories of traders losing their entire accounts because they were "upside down" on their analysis.

I can relate. It happened to me. Over and Over again.

But I stuck with it and fast forward to today… my traders and I catch an average of just more than 2,000 (and counting) pips EVERY MONTH...

Just from understanding How to Get a Strong Directional Bias.


Well, there are three steps we use… and I’m convinced that if you follow these three steps, you can crack the “Direction of the Market Mystery” yourself.

Just a few of the things you'll find in this special bonus include:

* How to use Fibonacci to know when the market is likely overbought or oversold… Even if you're looking at a pair you've never traded before.

* How to position your trade for the greatest chance of moving explosively in the right direction right out of the gate. (This is the secret to getting the most pay for your patience)

* The secret website that every successful trader uses to confirm or deny the direction of the market. (And how you can use them to save yourself time, money and effort)

* The accidental discovery that showed me where Institutional Support and Resistance was, regardless of the Zones everyone else put on their charts. And how you can ethically steal this hack for your own trading.

* Forget needing expensive bots and EA's. All you need is the Magnet Tool on your TradingView account and about 15 spare minutes.

* And a whole lot more!


The book is great and you'll get everything you need from it.

But I'm the kind of person that likes to go big or go home and I'm willing to bet that you are too.

That's why I’m giving you these bonus videos today. It's my little way of ensuring that you can start implementing everything you will learn in 8 Reasons... right away.

So yes...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

MJ Worthmore

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm giving you a 77 page book that outlines the exact 8 Reasons Why Forex Trading Hasn't COMPLETELY replaced the average person's full-time job income.

And by doing the exact opposite of these 8 things, I've been able to create a wildly successful trading system for myself and for my clients.

All you pay is a measly $4.95.

***** I'm also giving you a set of video training sessions that outline the exact steps we use to determine the direction of any currency pair, confirming the move before we take it, turning losing trades into winning trades, and catching thousands of pips every single month.

These bonus videos not only show you what the exact steps are… but they even give you examples of how to properly use them, in the correct order for YOUR Trading… starting today.

I'm giving them to you as a gift because I want you to implement what you learn in the book immediately.

This is a very limited offer because I'm running an advertising test. And If I'm not able to at least break even on my advertising costs, then I'll put this offer down.

There is no "catch" to this offer. You won't be signing up for any "trial" to some impossible-to-cancel, forced continuity program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't like the book let me know and I'll even give you back your $4.95.

Click here and claim your copy now. You won't regret it.

By the Way, Here Are the 4 Complete Forex Trainings You'll Get in Addition to your copy of the 8 Reasons Book. It's Well Over $2,000 in Value. 

Yours Free with the Purchase of Your Book.

Directional Bias for Dummies

The 50/50 Bounce Strategy

Currency Correlation Mastery

Risk Management Mastery

Are You Serious About Making REAL Money Trading Forex?

Because if you are, Coach MJ and the contents of this book will provide you with every resource you need to successfully transform into a Professional, Consistently Profitable, and Heavily Funded Forex Trader...


Here' Exactly What You'll Discover When You Order Your Book Today...

  • Why Brokers Laugh At Traders That Trade Their Own Money

  • Why The Amount Of Pips You Catch Doesn't Matter When It Comes To Making Money

  • Knowing When To Cut A Losing Trade Instead Of Hoping Wishing And Praying It Turns Around

  • Why Trading Alone Is The Fastest Way To Blowing Your Account

  • The Secret Weapon Used By Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade - and How You Can Use It To Become A Better Trader.

  • How To Pick The Right Trading Coach And Mentor To Make Sure That You Become A Successful Trader

  • The Step By Step Blueprint To Becoming A Six Figure Income Earner In Nine Months Or Less.

  • How To Become Wealthy as a Trader Even If You're Wrong 7 Out Of 10 Times.

  • Why Success In Trading Is Nothing More Than A Fourth Grade Math Equation

  • The Master Pattern That Rules The Market No Matter What Pair Or Index You Trade

  • Knowing Which News Events To Trade and Which News Events Don't Matter

  • How to Never Letting A Winning Trade Becoming A Losing Trade

  • The Keys To Passing Any Prop Firm Challenge With Flying Colors

  • The Easy Way To Become A Master Of Fundamental Analysis

  • Why Red Folder News Is Not Something That You Should Run From But Run To

  • How To Make Your Trading Career Peaceful And Fun

  • The Big Bank’s Playbook They Don't Want You To Know About

About The Author

Marques-Jeremiah Worthmore

Marques-Jeremiah "MJ" Worthmore Sr. is a Professionally Funded Forex Trader, Best Selling Author and International Educator.

Affectionately known as "Coach," MJ set out on a mission in October of 2020 to not only become a Consistently Profitable and completely Job Optional Forex Trader himself...

But to also Mentor, Train, Develop and Serve more Funded Forex Traders than any other coaching platform on the planet.

Coach MJ lives by this statement:

"I won't just teach you how to trade... I'll actually help you become a Heavily Funded and Highly Paid Professional trader...

...because there IS a difference."

I'm Proud of You!

Now Let's Take Your Trading

to New Heights!

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Question 1: If I don’t like the materials, can I get a refund??

If joining Elite Forex University will put you in financial jeopardy, please do not join, buy anything or even enroll in a trial.

Seriously... I don't want your money.

As a financial professional, I would rather that you set aside extra money from your job so that you can invest in coaching, instead of spending your last dollar (or worse, maxing out your credit card) to join any of our programs.

Remember, our program is designed for traders who are looking to become funded. We do not offer an overnight solution to your financial problems.

Once you have purchased access to the materials, there are NO REFUNDS.

The materials in Elite Forex University, if you implement and practice them properly, have the potential to earn you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mastery takes time and practice, so do not expect immediate results.

Question 2: Why should I join you when there are so many other trading groups out there?

Most trading groups/memberships are just overpriced, underperforming signal-calling services.

As your Coach, I do and give way more than that.

I help you to see the markets differently and completely; and become your own signal caller over time.

This requires an education in not only the fundamentals and mechanics of trading, but also the psychology and emotional control of being a professional trader that manages a large amount of capital.

Question 3: Don't I need a lot of money to make "big profits" trading?

Not at all!

In fact, Elite Forex University is specifically designed for serious traders who are looking to get funded through Prop Firms; as well as funded traders looking to improve their trading.

Once trained, traders can get access to hundreds of thousands of dollars in capital to trade for just a few hundred dollars and in as little as 2 to 3 weeks of disciplined trading.

Question 4: If I join your program, will I get the same results as you, Coach MJ?

Becoming a full-time, professional funded trader took me hundreds of hours of intensive study, and tens of thousands of dollars invested in coaches and courses.

My results are unusual, but my gift is in teaching complex things in simple ways so that anyone can understand. And being a good teacher makes you a better learner.

Most traders take 2-4 years to become consistently profitable. My job is to help you develop a trader’s mindset over time, so that you can be not only consistently profitable, but also self-reliant.

If you already know the basics of trading, I recommend spending at least 6-12 months of intensive study under a qualified coach before attempting to become funded.

You can have all the technical knowledge in the world, but if you don’t have the correct mindset then you will never be profitable.

Question 5: What qualifies you (Coach MJ) to teach people how to find trading opportunities?

The main thing that qualifies me is the fact that I am a consistently profitable, full-time professional trader that's helped other people get similar or better results than me...

...which they weren't getting before meeting me.

I'm not the best trader in the world and I don't pretend to be. I don't drive a Lamborghini, and I don't flex gold and diamond chains.

But my results prove that I'm a very good trader.

Most importantly, I am a husband and a father of five children that is able to support his family because I've learned to be consistently profitable in trading the Forex market.

I've helped my clients become funded traders that can live off of their profits, as well.

Question 6: How many pips do you typically catch in each trading week?

I typically catch between 250-500 pips each week across five to seven pairs. One of my best weeks was catching 10,000 pips by ONLY trading the Major pairs and indices, like US30 and SPX500.

However, I measure my results in account growth, not pip count. Each week, my goal is to grow my trading account by at least 1-3%.

That’s why one of the main things that I teach is Risk-to-Reward, with a Consistent Risk Profile and the Potential Reward ALWAYS being Lopsided in your favor.

What do you think is better: a trade with a 10 pip Stop Loss and a 50 pip Take Profit, or a trade that has a 100 pip Stop Loss and a 500 pip Take Profit?

The answer is, those trades are exactly the same – if your risk and reward are consistent.

The truth is, you don't need to catch hundreds or thousands of pips to make money trading. The only thing you need is to trade with proper risk management, where the reward is always lopsided in your favor.

Question 7: Will I be alone to figure things out on my own, after I enroll?

Our community of traders is extremely supportive.

Traders in Elite Forex University regularly share trade ideas and educate their fellow members.

Many of the traders here have said it is unlike anything they have ever experienced in the trading space.

Question 8: What will I learn here that I can’t find for FREE on YouTube?

Most trading education programs (and free YouTube videos) focus on retail trading concepts like support and resistance, and trend lines. At best, you'll learn a few simple Smart Money Concepts.

The Banks that Make the Market are aware of what is taught in "Retail Trading Land" and use it to their advantage.

Our programs go beyond just teaching you institutional concepts like liquidity, displacement, and supply and demand. In addition to Smart Money Concepts, Institutional Technical Analysis AND how to interpret Fundamental Analysis...

We teach you how to Think Like a Banker and give you step-by-step processes to recognize the "Institutional Footprint."

That way, you can understand, anticipate, and enter trades that are in line with the big moves the banks are making.

Here’s Just a Fraction of What You’ll Learn…

Here’s Just a Fraction of

What You’ll Learn…

  • How To Dominate The Market In A Matter Of Days Using This One Simple Method.

  • How To Pick The Right Lot Size For The Trade That You're Entering, Every Single Time.

  • Knowing When To Move Your Stop Loss Into Profit and When to Let Your Winners Run

  • How to Earn 3x MORE Than Your Trading Buddies in Half the Time...

  • The Secret Weapon Used By Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Dwyane Wade - and How You Can Use It To Become A Better Trader.

  • How To Pick The Right Trading Coach And Mentor To Make Sure That You Become A Successful Trader

  • Why SMC Concepts Never Work WITHOUT Fundamentals and How to Know When You Should Do the Opposite of Everyone Else

  • Debunking The 90% Win Rate Myth

  • The Ugly Truth About Some of The Internet's "Most Popular" Traders and Why You Should Run for the Hills When They Talk

  • And much, much more!

The Way He Breaks it Down...

"Coach MJ really breaks it down to 3rd grade math and 2nd grade execution. It's literally a step-by-step playbook that even my kids could follow. I don't know what took me so long finding this information."

- Dave Walker

Can't Believe This is Only $5...

"Why in the world this man even makes this availble for just $4.95 is beyond me. I mean, the steps are easy enough to follow. But it's the simplicity that makes this book a steal."

- Loletta Jones-Patrick

He Takes it a Step Further...

"I love that Coach MJ gives you real examples with each concept he teaches. Most people tell you what to do and why it's important. But Coach MJ even takes it a step further and shows you How and When."

- Harmeet Patel

Absolute No Brainer...

"We've both read his book cover to cover more than once. And each time, we take away something new and better. Choosing to work with Coach MJ was an Absolute No Brainer for us."

- Drew and Ericka Watson

You'll Get Instant Access to the Book, Just Invest a Meager $4.95 and I'll Send Your Digital Copy Today!

8 Reasons Why Forex Trading Hasn't Replaced Your Full Time Job Yet...

And How to Fix it FAST

By: MJ Worthmore


We only plan to sell a limited number of copies for this promotional price and once it becomes an NY Times Best Seller, the price will like quadruple

DISCLAIMER: The profit figures stated above are my personal profit figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing institutional style day trading and swing trading for almost 4 years, and have an established set of strategies as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All trading entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.

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